........Mr. Kettunen has an extensive background in maritime law, beginning with his studies at McGill University Faculty of Law under the renown maritime scholar, William Tetley, and continuing throughout his legal practice. He has been involved in litigation for a large number of marine concerns including Maersk Line, Ltd., Ford Motor Company (when it had its own fleet of ships), Keystone Shipping, Moran Towing Corporation, Interocean Ugland Management Corp., New Jersey Port Corporation, Philadelphia Port Authority, and Carnival Cruise Lines. His maritime practice covers the full spectrum of marine matters, including:
• Cargo Damage/COGSA Claims;
• Collision/Allision, Wharf/Pier/Dock/Bridge Damages, and other Marine Property Damage Claims;
• Cruise Line - Passenger Disputes;
• Jones Act and non-Jones Act Personal Injury Claims;
• Jones Act, Death on the High Seas Act, and General Maritime Law Wrongful Death Claims;
• Limitation of Liability Proceedings;
• Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act 905(b) Claims;
• Marina Dockage/Storage and Sales/Transactional Disputes;
• Marine Insurance Claims;
• Maritime Liens and Vessel Arrests;
• Maritime Product Liability Claims;
• Recreational Boating Issues: Collisions and Allisions, Personal Injuries, Property Damages, Sales Disputes, Warranty Disputes, Insurance Disputes;
• Riparian Rights, Water Use, and Water Diversion Issues;
• Vessel Sales and Marine Mortgages.